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How to Import Subscribers in Bulk from a CSV File

1 min read

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Looking to grow your email list quickly? Importing subscribers in bulk from a CSV file is a seamless way to achieve this. Let’s dive into how you can do this using

Step-by-Step Guide: #

  1. Access Your Desired List:
    • Start by navigating to the list in which you want to import the contacts.
  2. Understand the Columns:
    • By default, provides columns such as email, first name, and last name.
    • If you’re creating a spreadsheet, ensure it contains these three columns at the very least.
  3. Add More Columns (Optional):
    • isn’t limited to just the default columns.
    • Navigate to ‘Manage List Field’.
    • Here, you can add more columns like age, gender, country, or industry.
    • Remember, if you’ve marked a column as ‘required’, ensure it’s present in your CSV file.
  4. Prepare Your CSV File:
    • For instance, your CSV might have columns like email, first name, last name, age, gender, industry, and country.
    • Ensure the column names in your CSV match the ones you’ve added in
  5. Importing the CSV:
    • Head back to and navigate to ‘Subscribers’.
    • Click on the ‘Import’ button.
    • Drag and drop your CSV file or click on ‘Choose File’ to select your CSV.
    • Once selected, click on ‘Import’ and wait for the process to complete.
  6. Verify the Import:
    • After importing, navigate to ‘View All Subscribers’.
    • You should see all the subscribers you’ve just added.
    • Clicking on any subscriber will display all their details, including the additional columns you added.

And that’s it! You’ve successfully imported subscribers in bulk using a CSV file into If you have any questions or run into any issues, don’t hesitate to reach out for assistance. Happy emailing!

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