Drag-and-Drop Email Designer 🎨

Create Stunning Emails Effortlessly

Easily craft beautiful, responsive emails with our intuitive drag-and-drop designer—no coding skills needed.

  • No Coding Required
  • Professional Designs in Minutes
  • Responsive on All Devices
  • Unlimited Design Flexibility
Email Designer Gift CardPowerful email designer blocks
AI-Powered Content Generator 🤖

Generate Engaging Content with Ease

Leverage AI to create compelling email content and subject lines in seconds, boosting your campaign’s effectiveness.

  • Boost Engagement Rates
  • Save Time on Content Creation
  • AI-Driven Precision
  • Increase Open Rates
AI Powered Content Writer
Detailed Analytics 📊

Track and Optimize Your Campaigns

Gain deep insights into your email performance with our comprehensive analytics tools.

  • Real-Time Performance Tracking
  • Actionable Insights
  • Improve Future Campaigns
  • Data-Driven Decisions
Email Marketing - Detailed Analytics
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Clients Served

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Customer Satisfaction

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Engagement Increase

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Time Saved

Customer Testimonials

Hear from our satisfied customers

The best way to showcase our commitment is through the experiences and stories of those who have partnered with us.

I like having more control over my email list and campaigns than I had with my old service. The UI works well and I've definitely seen improvements in the speed and responsiveness of the platform since I first signed up. Their tutorials and customer support are top notch. It's a young platform with lots of great features and they seem to be constantly improving. I'd highly recommend!

Vincent SendMails

Business Owner

Leisure, Travel & Tourism

SendMail is a budget-friendly alternative to all other platforms. Set-up was easy thanks in part to the help we received from our tech support agent. The campaign design tool is intuitive and easy to use - we had a campaign ready to go within the hour.


Business Owner


I appreciate the one-time fee for SendMails and the excellent customer service provided by Anant. The step-by-step videos are fantastic. When I encountered an issue with setting up the DNS, Anant quickly jumped on a video chat and guided me through the solution. The SendMails dashboard is also very user-friendly.

Bob SendMails

Business Owner

Marketing & Advertising


Ready to step up your email marketing game?

Create your free SendMails.io account and unlock the power of email marketing, automation, analytics, and seamless integrations.

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