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How to connect NameCheap email account with

2 min read

Email marketing is a powerful tool for businesses, and integrating your email account with an email marketing platform can streamline your campaigns. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of connecting your NameCheap email account with

Why Connect NameCheap with #

  • Limitations: NameCheap has specific limitations on the number of emails you can send via their SMTP server. For instance, with the Stellar and Nebula reseller plans, you can send more than 50 emails per hour per domain. It’s essential to be aware of these limitations to ensure your campaigns run smoothly.
  • Integration: By connecting NameCheap with, you can leverage the platform’s features while using your NameCheap email account.

Steps to Connect NameCheap with #

  1. Understand the Limitations: Before you begin, familiarize yourself with the sending limits of your NameCheap plan. This will help you plan your email campaigns better.
  2. Navigate to
    • Go to the ‘Sending’ section.
    • Click on ‘Sending Servers’. This is where you can add a new SMTP server or email account.
  3. Set Up SMTP:
    • Click on ‘SMTP’.
    • You’ll need to input specific SMTP credentials. For this, you can refer to the NameCheap documentation or the article provided by
  4. Enter SMTP Details:
    • SMTP Host: Enter
    • Username: This will be your NameCheap email account.
    • Password: Use the password associated with your NameCheap email account.
    • SMTP Port: You can choose between 465 or 587. For this guide, we’ll use 465.
    • Encryption Method: Since we’re using port 465, set the encryption method to SSL.
  5. Finalize the Setup:
    • Once you’ve entered all the details, click on ‘Save’.

And that’s it! You’ve successfully connected your NameCheap email account with This integration will allow you to harness the power of’s features while using your trusted NameCheap email account.

Remember, email marketing is all about reaching your audience effectively. By integrating tools like NameCheap and, you’re setting yourself up for success. Happy emailing!

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